James Travis Cooper and Mark Herrera with the assistance of Paul Fierro and Vince Alvarado have created a great new drinking game. Pterodactylgories.
Number of players: 2-10 (more can play if need be)
Materials: Beer (lots of it) or liquor
Rules to Pterodactylgories
A modification on the classic drinking game “Categories.”
One person starts a category. They name something that falls under said category and the person to their left names a different thing under the same category. This continues clockwise until someone is unable to come up with something that falls under the played category under a reasonable amount of time (time limit may be set by participants but generally within ten seconds or near it). When one participant cannot name something within that category, they drink (amount of time to drink may be set as a standard rule at start of game by participants). The round continues until everyone is eliminated except for one person. Every time someone is eliminated, everyone that participated in that round that has already been eliminated must drink with them. If one gets last place, they will drink the most. Last place also has to start a new category in the next round. Game continues until drunk. Then continues some more until it can’t continue anymore.
Number of players: 2-10 (more can play if need be)
Materials: Beer (lots of it) or liquor
Rules to Pterodactylgories
A modification on the classic drinking game “Categories.”
One person starts a category. They name something that falls under said category and the person to their left names a different thing under the same category. This continues clockwise until someone is unable to come up with something that falls under the played category under a reasonable amount of time (time limit may be set by participants but generally within ten seconds or near it). When one participant cannot name something within that category, they drink (amount of time to drink may be set as a standard rule at start of game by participants). The round continues until everyone is eliminated except for one person. Every time someone is eliminated, everyone that participated in that round that has already been eliminated must drink with them. If one gets last place, they will drink the most. Last place also has to start a new category in the next round. Game continues until drunk. Then continues some more until it can’t continue anymore.