I haven’t updated my blog since March. I got busy with school and everything. I normally blog about politics and things like that but I want to change it up a bit and talk about Batman. The Dark knight film directed by Christopher Nolan was epic. As a Batman fan since I was a little kid, I gave it an emphatic two thumbs up. It was a lot of Batman to take in at once, but I digested it and it was amazing. I know the movie was a few months ago and the DVD and bluray released recently. And I also know that the third installment isn’t for another couple years, but I want to talk about who I think will be the villains in part three and who will play them. Of course its all speculation since, regardless what the forums say, NOTHING has been released.
The most popular rumors include The Riddler and Catwoman. Followed by the Penguin. I think a fallow up to Dark Knight will require some epic characters and events. Joker is obviously the most marketable. He probably would have done some ridiculous stuff in part three should Heath Ledger have lived
(RIP). In order for part three to even be seen as an equal, the actors who play the villains have to transform into the character like Heath did and deliver a mind blowing performance.
Who will be in?
No one knows for sure. I would like to see The Riddler as the lead villain. Before there’s any backlash, allow me to explain. He would have to be a much darker more sinister Riddler than Jim Carrey portrayed. If for any reason Jim Carrey was called on to reprise his role as Riddler, he would have to play it more like his acting in the Number 23. I actually think Jim Carrey has the acting chops to deliver Riddler that is dark, brilliant, cunning, and one that fits Chris Nolan’s Batman world. He’s not my first choice but it’d be pretty sweet to see him really expand and give that type of performance. The rumor mill is almost a consensus that Johnny Depp will play the Riddler. Of course Depp would be amazing as the Riddler. But is he too obvious of a choice? Director Nolan doesn’t go for the obvious. If he went for the obvious, he wouldn’t have casted Ledger as Joker or Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/Two Face. Johnny Depp is one of my top three favorite actors so I personally would love to see him in the next Batfilm. Johnny Depp might be the one person that can make Riddler into an Oscar grabbing role and actually be said in the same breath as Heath’s Joker. Another actor that would make the Riddler legit would be Guy Pierce. He was in Memento, which was also directed by Nolan, and he fits perfectly in Nolan’s cast. Above all, the Riddler would have to be a very different character than what was in the Bruckheimer flick. He’d have to be darker, less goofy, more menacing, a darker intelligence (think Ra’s al Ghul from the Batman Begins mixed with Hannibal Lecter). He’d have to lose the orange hair and green jumpsuit. I think this Riddler has the chance to be epic. Just to throw a curveball, how’s this for some gigantic acting: Daniel Day Lewis as Riddler? Probably won’t happen but just imagine the possibilities if it did.
Bruce Wayne needs a new love interest. Selena Kyle should be that love interest. For those who don’t know her by that name, you might know her as Catwoman. One thing is for sure…. It will NOT be Halle Berry. There’s a debate as to how Catwoman should be portrayed. Frank Miller always has her as a Black Prostitute that is well versed in Karate. Most other’s have her as a white thief. Sometimes blonde (Michelle Pfeiffer and Batman the animated series), usually brunette (Graphic Novels) with martial arts skills. Maybe a mix of the two. If Nolan decides on a black actress, I’d vote for Rosario Dawson. She worked in Frank Miller’s Sin City as a prostitute so she can act the part, but since the base of the two roles are similar, that alone might disqualify her. If he decides to take a new approach with Catwoman, I think Kate Beckinsale would do a good job. Like Dawson, she put on the black tights for a previous film role (Underworld). The rumor mill has Angelina Jolie. She’s a tremendous actress. She would probably be able to pull off the role remarkably. She can be the vicious cat and the sultry Selena Kyle. The thing about Jolie is that as Catwoman she is divisive. Some love the idea. Some hate it. That’s how it’ll be with all characters but she seems to be the most divisive. (Think Hillary Clinton). At the time of writing this blog, my personal front runner is Anne Hathaway. Has a great look. Has name recognition but not to the level of Jolie so she would push herself to make the role hers and has the acting chops to surpass Jolie’s potential in this role. Another person that shouldn’t be overlooked is Rachel Weisz. Nearly the same attributes as Hathaway, but might have the better look for the part. As I write this, a new idea for Catwoman actress popped into my head. This is one I haven’t heard anything of on the forums. Her name….Rachel Bilson. (Summer from The OC). Google her, look at her, and think about it. I kind of like it.
I’m not sure how I feel about the Penguin in the film yet. Rumors have Philip Seymour Hoffman. I don’t like him for the part. Penguin would have to be a straight gangster. Mob style like the later comics have him. Not the gimmick that looks like a Penguin with trick umbrellas. (A la Danny DeVito). My vote for Penguin would be Paul Giamatti (awesome in HBO’s John Adams) or James Gandolfini (Sopranos. Come on. It would be epic). He would play the Mob boss role. I could also see Gandolfini play Rupert Thorne (another Gotham City mob boss).
Talia al Ghul
Talia al Ghul- should Catwoman not be in the movie, Talia certainly will in that case. Bruce needs a love interest. Daughter of Ra’s al Ghul of Batman Begins. Allows continuity. I can see it, but won’t hold my breath. I would prefer Talia to Catwoman. Maybe both will be in it and make Bruce have to choose who he will be with, complicating things, and then Batman has to fight both at one point, but true to her relationship with the Batman, Catwoman helps him defeat Talia. See. It works. Someone get Nolan on the line. Off the top of my head I’m thinking Mila Kunis. Or ooooh Catherine Zeta Jones. I like it.
There are plenty of actors and actresses that will be added and removed from speculation as time progresses and we get closer and closer to the filming of Batman 3. For the record, if I were to title it I would title the movie “Gotham.” The forums have the new Batman movie as "Shadow of the Bat." Overall take this as just my opinions. Comment if you agree or disagree, or anything you want to add such as characters of actors. Just remember to trust Chris Nolan and all will be well.